Emadeddin Muntasser Shares Easy Ways You Can Support Activism Efforts

Emadeddin Muntasser
3 min readJan 18, 2021

With so much social unrest across the planet, activism efforts are more important than ever. But how does the average person get involved?

Emadeddin Muntasser is a serial entrepreneur with experience in retail, real estate, and venture capital investing. He is also known for his patented Roof Safety Markers. In light of his success, Mr. Muntasser dedicates a portion of his resources to social causes; in particular, he helps those trying to escape social unrest overseas. He shares several ways that you can support activism efforts.

What Social Causes Need: Awareness, Time, and Money

As an activist, Emad Muntasser keeps busy and most of his efforts pertain to seeking resources in one way or another. Like most non-profits, social causes need people and funds. Both are critical to raising awareness for the non-profit’s mission.

For those interested in supporting activism efforts, there are three things that every social cause needs — public attention, people’s time, and money. Those that focus on helping a non-profit in those ways will be an amazing asset to the cause.

Public attention or social cause awareness typically precede donations and volunteers. Donations allow the organization to invest in resources for itself or those it aims to help. Volunteers spread the word, complete critical tasks, or perform a combination of the two.

Emad Muntasser on Ways to Support a Cause

Research the Problem

Emadeddin Muntasser from Washington, D.C., on Researching the Cause

It is critical that those supporting a cause know specifically what that cause is about. Most activist efforts seek to raise awareness for a particular problem, such as social injustice, lack of clean water, poverty, homelessness, etc.

Because every problem has layers, one should take a closer look to understand the what, how, where, when, and why behind the problem. These efforts will help an individual engage others with knowledge. More importantly, says Emadeddin Muntasser, the research will confirm for the individual whether or not the cause is something that truly matters to them.

Research the Organization

For any one social cause, there may be several non-profit organizations that lead activist efforts. Not every non-profit is equally effective and organized. Before investing time and money into a specific organization, one should research the non-profit — including its history, leaders, process, and success.

Promote the Solution

While some social causes, such as those addressing racial injustice, are naturally polarizing, non-profit organizations don’t need trouble from wanna-be activists looking for a fight from the “other side.” To properly deal with social issues around the globe, these organizations seek to raise awareness for the problem and its solutions.

One of the best ways to support activism efforts is to understand which solutions will properly deal with root problems and to promote those solutions, shares Emad Muntasser.


Donating one’s time to a social cause is one of the most efficient ways to support activism. Volunteers can give their time sporadically or regularly. Either way, non-profits typically thrive off whatever time their volunteers can provide.


Some are short on time but have plenty of money. Making financial donations to a social cause will help it immensely. Most non-profits need supplies, full-time employees, and marketing — things that only money can provide.

Use Social Media

Emadeddin Muntasser from Washington, D.C., On Using social Media

While no one denies that social media can be divisive and petty, it is also an effective platform for raising awareness and public discourse. For those that are especially gifted at leveraging social media to build positive online communities, they can promote social causes by sharing information or moderating mature online conversations, explains Emadeddin Muntasser.

Think Local

If possible, those that want to support activism efforts should seek for ways to invest in their communities. Local support is often the most effective and it is easier to get involved in social causes closer to home.

Local causes could be organizations dealing with problems in one’s community or an established non-profit with a local office. Either way, working with one’s neighbors is usually more effective than trying to help remotely or from a distance, says Emad Muntasser.



Emadeddin Muntasser

Emadeddin Muntasser is a human rights leader, political analyst, and a writer based in Washington, D.C.